Product Portrait

Floor Marking Shapes And Floor Windows

Flexible and lean:
Mark surfaces with self-adhesive FATH Floor Marking Shapes and Floor Windows

With the self-adhesive, dimensionally stable FATH Floor Marking Shapes and Floor Windows, you can implement visualizations immediately. They are simply stuck on at the desired location, are immediately available for foot or vehicle traffic and are easy to clean. They are suitable for almost all industrial floors and surfaces such as stone, concrete or metal.

Unlike paint or lacquer markings, there are no long drying times and no unpleasant odors. Thanks to the durable plastic surface suitable for industrial use, the floor shapes can withstand heavy stress from forklift trucks. Ideal for designating pallet storing positions.

Flexibility in case of new production requirements: The Floor Marking Shapes and Floor Windows can be removed from the floor without leaving any residue when production changeovers, restructurings or plant expansions are pending. The floor remains intact, as no chemicals or acidic substances are required to remove the adhesive material. Leased buildings, warehouses and spaces can also be temporarily labeled without causing any consequential damage.


  • High adhesion and forklift-resistant
  • Suitable for virtually all industrial floors
  • Pre-punched shapes in L/T/I/foot shape
  • Windows in different DIN formats
  • Scannable
  • Very dimensionally stable: adhesion without prior marking
  • Available in several colors
floor marking shapes

FATH Floor Marking Shapes:
pre-punched for immediate application

The practical FATH Foor Marking Shapes come pre-punched. Easy to attach, these provide secure and effective storage space labeling in production and warehousing. After they are attached, the floor shapes can be walked on and driven on immediately. Areas for pallets, shelving, containers, dollies, etc. can be precisely marked – creating a strong visual effect. Generally the L shape is used for side boundaries and the T shape is used for demarcation marks between two storage positions. Floor labeling allows you to create a clear structuring of surfaces and areas, reduce the amount of floor space needed and assist staff in working efficiently.


FATH Floor Windows: forklift-resistant, scratch-resistant and scannable

What's special about FATH Floor Windows: The print for the colored frame is applied on the inside. This allows the signal color to be fully enclosed and thus provides permanent protection against wear and scratches. The color also remains visible after prolonged use – even heavy use in areas driven over cannot harm the floor windows.
Documents in various sizes up to DIN A4 are inserted behind the transparent plastic window and can be scanned through the viewing window. The 40 mm frame width ensures immediate recognition, even from a distance. The document assures you that the material is available in the right position.


Designing individual signs with FATH Floor Windows

FATH Floor Windows are also ideal for designing individual signs or warning notices based on your needs. Simply place the printed documents with the required information behind the viewing window and stick on the bottom window.



FATH tip

When the Floor Marking Shapes are affixed with a spacing of approx. 30 mm to the product areas, they are well protected against wear.

Floor Marking Shapes

Sample package Floor Marking Shapes and Floor Windows

You want to get to know the material and check if it fits your requirements?

With our sample package you can quickly decide if the product is right for you.

Request free LEAN sample package


The self-adhesive Floor Marking Shapes and Floor Windows are available in the following versions:

FATH Floor Marking Shapes

FATH Floor Marking Shapes

  • T-shape
  • L-shape
  • I-shape
  • Foot shape
  • yellow (1)
  • orange (2)
  • red (3)
  • blue (4)
  • green (5)
  • white (6)
  • black (7)
  • blue / white (8)
Floor marking windows

FATH Floor Windows

  • DIN A4 (8.3" x 11.7")
  • DIN A5 (5.8" x 8.3")
  • 1/2 DIN A4 landscape (11.7" x 4.1")
  • 1/2 DIN A4 portrait (8.3" x 3.9")
  • yellow (1)
  • red (2)
  • blue (3)
  • green (4)
  • white (5)

Make sure you mark correctly: A quick color advisor

The FATH Floor Marking Shapes enable an efficient color coding system to be set up for specific areas in production and warehousing, such as: storage positions, parking spaces, storage shelves etc. When used correctly, the selected colors allow the workers to intuitively recognize the importance, for example:

  • Yellow: Goods for processing
  • Red: Defective goods and defective raw material
  • Blue: Semi-finished product and material for further processing
  • Green: Finished products
  • White: Empties


Your questions, our answers:

We have collected and answered the most frequently asked questions about our Floor Marking Shapes and Floor Windows for you. Perhaps your question is already included.

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Tips & tricks around the topic of Floor Markings

useful tips floor markings

Floor markings for storage and production facilities: useful tips!

You see it every day: Floor markings in all areas of production, logistics, hallways or road traffic. Mostly we do not pay much attention to them, but you as the person responsible know that floor markings are an important part of public and operational organization. They demarcate areas, protect employees and goods from danger and visualize escape routes and emergency routes.

Find out more...

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